Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Recipe of the Week: Summer Slow Cooker

Katherine, is quite the cook and has given me (Dani) more than a few recipes to share with y'all.  I am a little behind on actually sharing, but I think I've got this down now!! 

Check out Katherine's Slow Cooker Marinara Chicken and Vegetables and let us know how your's turns out!  It's got lots of delicious fresh veggies and all!

I know people love using there Crock Pot, especially this time of year. I found a recipe that just tried yesterday and I thought this would be perfect for our weekly recipe. The Crock Pot is great because you can put together your dinner the night before, and in the morning you can just simmer it all day and dinner is done when you get home. Plus the house smells like you have been cooking all day--its great!

Slow Cooker Marinara Chicken and Vegetables


    2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts
    4 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed
    4 tomatoes, chopped or one 14.5-ounce
    can low-sodium tomatoes, drained
    4 medium ribs celery, diced (1 cup)
    2 small zucchini, diced (2 cups)
    1 bell pepper, cored, seeded, and diced
    One 18-ounce jar low-sodium marinara
    1 tsp dried basil
    1 tsp dried thyme
    I added:
    1 onion chopped
    1 carrot chopped
    1 jalapeno chopped
1. Place the chicken in the slow cooker; add the
garlic, tomatoes, celery, zucchini, and pepper
(and the extra ingredients if you added them).
Pour the marinara sauce over all, and sprinkle
the basil and thyme on top.
2. Set the slow cooker on low and cook for 6
to 7 hours. Before serving, shred the chicken
with a fork.

I served it with brown rice and a small salad. You can be creative and let me know how it comes out!!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

You WANT me to go to BOOTCAMP?!!

Many of you have heard about our Bootcamp classes....and yes, we know that the term bootcamp, can sound intimidating or crazy fun to different people, but we don't want that to stop people for giving it a shot.   We have every type or bootcamper in our classes and everyone sees results and has the opportunity to have an awesome time and make some new friends.

I feel like I could right my own Seuss-like poem on the types of participants...

We've got fast girls, and slow girls
Old girls and young girls.

Happy guys, super-fly
and quiet guys, no lie!

Some have done it for a year
And other for weeks
In fact! Today will even be someone's first day here!

All shapes and sizes
And abilities too..
All this class needs is someone like YOU!

Okay, okay, I put way to much time in that, but hopefully you get the point.  (And yes, I'm a huge nerd)

Bootcamp is great if you are looking to blast away fat, tone up, increase endurance, and have a little fun.  We suggest coming to at least 2-4x a week for optimal results.  

To make sure that our bootcampers stay motivated and are getting the most out of class, we do an initial assessment, testing, and record body measurements in the beginning of class.  At the beginning of each month, we will re-assess so you can see your improvements, which we are sure you will be happy with, if you do the work and give it your best.

We have 8 classes a week and are working on adding 2-3 more bootcamps to the schedule.

You can view our schedule on our website at

Try your first class for FREE.  After you give it a shot, and realize how much fun it is, you can sign up for classes.

Buy class packages of 5 for $60 or 12 for $140.  
Best deal $95/month for Unlimited fitness classes (includes Bootcamp, Kickboxing, and Core classes) for a commitment of 3 consecutive months.

Sign up for your 3 months of bootcamp below:


"I started off a year ago, barely able to do a push up and definitely not a sit up. After 3 babies, I had started to experience Diastasis recti as the muscles in my belly had separated. This was causing so many back problems for me and was making it really hard to pick up my children. One year later, I'm almost up to 46 sit ups, 30 push ups (all in a minute), no back pain and I feel amazing. I've run in three 5K's, I'm climbing stairs without feeling the need to pass out, and I'm losing weight. OPT Fitness changed my life and it can change yours also."

I participate in Bootcamp and inch by inch, pound by pound, I'm reaching my goals of being a healthier, happier me. We laugh together and share each others joys and worries. Everyone is REAL. It took me a while, but let's just say someone finally said "just stop worrying and just show up". I came out and have never regretted it."

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Enhancing Your Running Through Massage Therapy

Did you know that massage therapy could benefit every part of an athlete’s training program 
from warm up to cool down? 

When properly administered, massage therapy can improve your overall athletic readiness and treat specific problems that might be holding you back in your training.

Massage has become very popular in recent years among athletes, in particular runners.
Running requires sustained, repetitive muscle contraction. The greater the muscle contraction,
the more shortening occurs within the muscle tissue and the more force generated. In running,
these sustained, repetitive contractions translate into speed, power, and distance. The muscles,
fascia (connective tissue surrounding the muscles), tendons, and ligaments all work to absorb a
portion of the physical stress from impact involved with running.

Massage therapy can help reduce the pain from recovering injuries or tight areas of muscle and
promote the proper healing of scar tissue. The strokes of massage mimic the normal flow of the
lymphatic and circulatory system, which drain wastes from the muscle tissues. Massage can help
dissolve waste fluids such as lactic acid and lead to a shorter recovery time. Massage is reported
to relieve muscle soreness, shorten recovery time, restore range of motion, remove adhesions and
even improve performance.

Massage also improves flexibility, which reduces the risk of injury and improves running efficiency and performance. Massage reduces cortisol levels, and triggers the release of endorphins and other pain reducing neurochemicals in the body.

Massage therapy works best as a preventative program. Runners can benefit from deep tissue massage,
sports massage and myofascial release techniques.  Unfortunately, most of the effects from massage are
relatively short-lived.  Because running is a repetitive action, weekly mileage eventually causes muscles
to shorten, fascia to bind, and restrictions to set in again creating the need for another massage. One
exception to this rule is the long-term effect massage therapy has on specific injury sites and the
reduction of scar tissue formation.

Runners can extend the life of their massage with proper hydration, good nutrition, adequate sleep, and stretching, stretching, and more stretching. Massage treatment plans are very individual. Assess your running goals and budget when determining your treatment plan.

Ask yourself the following questions:
Do you have recurring injuries?
Are you pushing your physical limits?
Are you tackling a new distance?
Are you time goal oriented?
Are you competitive?
Do you want to qualify for Boston?
How much can you afford to spend per week or per month on massage?

Then, after assessing your goals, your budget and your available time during the week, plan accordingly. The
most important goal is to set a regular schedule for your massage treatments whether it’s once a week
or once a month.

Overall, you’ll feel better and your running performance will definitely improve!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Husband and Wife: OPT Client Spotlight

We asked two of our competitive bootcampers, Jimmy and Megan, to share their stories and success with us.  Below, they will be telling you about their annual weight loss challenge at home and their tactics for success.  We have been lucky enough to work with them both for over a year now and love seeing their progress!

Jimmy and I are locked in a tight competition, but we agreed to come together for this blog post. You see, we are in a weight loss challenge, and the stakes are high, folks.

Our couple’s annual weight loss challenge started last year, when we decided we needed a contract or agreement in order to lose weight. Last year, our agreement was as follows:

• We both had to lose 15 pounds from January 1

• If I lost the 15 pounds and he didn't,  I could wax his eyebrows and he owed me $100. (I desperately want to wax his eyebrows!)

• If he lost the 15 pounds and I didn’t, he could make me watch all the Star Wars movies whenever he wanted and I owed him $100. Yes, I don’t like Star Wars, and I know it’s a travesty.

• If we both lost the 15 pounds, we got to go on a weekend getaway to the Grove Park Inn in Asheville, NC.

• If we both failed to lose 15 pounds, we owed $200 to a charity. (I know this shouldn’t really be a punishment, but money is tight, so this was serious stuff.)

Sitting down and writing a contract, and then telling our friends about it, really raised the stakes. And
guess what?

We both lost 16 pounds with the help OPT. 

This year the agreement has gotten even uglier. There isn’t a reward, only a punishment for the loser.

The 2013 Contract (Jan-April 1):
• If I lose the most weight (by percentage), Jimmy has to eat a vegetarian diet for six months. (I’m a veg head.)

• If Jimmy loses the most weight (again, by percentage), I have to attend and watch any and all
sporting events of his choice for six months. (I don’t do sports.)

As you can see, the stakes are high, which is why we both have ramped up our workouts and tightened our diets. For the most part, we encourage each other to follow the righteous path, but we can’t help occasionally encouraging one another to have a little extra cheese. We’re both too stubborn for those tactics to work, though.

So, here’s how we’ve each approached the challenge this year (and we are both losing weight; this competition is fierce).

Jimmy’s tactics (written by Jimmy): My strategy has shifted several times since January 1. What I’ve settled on is a daily regimen that’s heavy on cardio and water, light on meats and other fatty foods. Each weekday, I do an hour of lunchtime cardio (usually a mix of running and biking), and I try squeeze in some extra calorie-burning with long walks. On weekends, I also do at least one five-mile run. I also go to OPT boot camps as my work schedule allows. I can’t let Megan be the only one to benefit from Dani and Katherine’s butt-kickings.

Megan’s tactics: I bought three months of unlimited classes at OPT, and I have been attending a minimum of four classes each week. I do bootcamp and kickboxing, and then usually fill in with a day of cardio on my own. The bootcamp classes mix cardio with muscle building and the kickboxing burns major calories. OPT has been key to my weight loss. I need variety, and OPT has kept me from falling off the wagon because I never know what the next workout will bring. I am also participating in the 90-Day Challenge with OPT, and the support I receive from the trainers and other participants has been crucial to my success thus far. It’s a team environment at OPT.

They wrote this for us mid-March before their final weigh in. It was a close one and they worked their butts off all the way to the end.  I'm pretty sure they were doing two-a-days that last week.  Anyways, while both saw great results, Megan came out on top....and Jimmy is now at Megan's mercy as a vegetarian for the next  3 months.  Megan decided to take it easy on Jimmy and give him one  'Meat Week' before the switch and she lessened the vegetarian plan from 6 months, to just 3.  


Monday, March 25, 2013

Massage at OPT Fitness

Massage is now at OPT Fitness! 

Body Harmony Massage Therapy
Harmonizing the mind and body for optimal health

Are you stressed ? Do you experience a lack of energy, interrupted sleep,difficulty
concentrating , headaches, anxiety, muscle tension? Would you like to know how balancing the
harmony between your mind and body promotes better health and a better sense of well being?

If you answered yes to any of these questions and wish to discover how you can improve your quality of
life, then allow me to introduce you to the benefits of Massage Therapy.

My name is Connie Lawrence, Licensed Massage & Bodywork Therapist and owner of Body Harmony Massage Therapy. I am pleased to share this information with you and to tell you a little about who I am and what massage therapy has done for me.

After being in corporate management in excess of 18 years and realizing the stress I felt in my life, and also seeing the stress in the lives of my co-workers, I decided this wasn't the kind of path I wanted to continue on for the duration of my life. Having always been a person who realizes the benefits and practices of meditation and the natural healing arts, in 2005 I changed careers mid-stream, began a new journey and pursued a career in massage therapy at Wake Technical College.

Being a state and nationally licensed Massage & Bodywork Therapist practicing for over eight years
I have extensive knowledge and experience in the field and hold a multi-faceted portfolio of various
therapeutic massage modalities to offer.

During my years of practice my primary focus lies in therapeutic aspect of massage . Whereas I work
closely with a team of health care professionals who refer patients to me for therapeutic massage. My
practice also extends to professional athletes, local and national celebrities and many sporting events.

Studies have shown that the therapeutic benefits of massage therapy have become an integral team
player in our health care system today as more and more physicians realize these benefits and thus often
incorporate massage therapy in their patients long term care plan.

In addition, many Corporate employers who realize the benefits derived by massage therapy offer
massage therapy services to their employees as a benefit of their practice. Therefore, proving less sick
days taken off work and a 75% reduction in work related repetitive stress injuries.

In my years of practice I have found immense gratification in knowing I can help others achieve their inner
healing capabilities by opening the pathways for total mind and body balance.

If you are ready to begin your journey and wish to learn more about massage therapy and the services I
offer please feel free to contact me. I will be happy to schedule a session with you at your convenience.

Purchase this limited time Introductory Special by April 25th!
3- 50 Minute Massages for $180
That's  $30 off!!!

Connie S. Lawrence-LMBT #5390
919-612-5013, 919-552-3647

Sessions by appointment only

*Swedish Massage* Deep Tissue*Pregnancy Massage*Reflexology* Aromatherapy* Chair Massage*
*Sports Massage* Fibromyalgia Massage* and more……

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Fat Leopards

Have you ever seen a really fat leopard? I haven't. You probably haven't either. I will admit, all of the leopards I have seen have been from books, nature shows, and the internet. I can't say that I've seen too many in person. I can say though that I've never seen a picture of a fat leopard. I can also say that leopards are the picture of beautiful strength, grace and power. They are simply beautiful. 

Do you know why leopards are so graceful, powerful, and strong? Because they spend all of their time being leopards. They do exactly what leopards should do. They hunt, they play, they roam, they rest, they sleep, they climb, they prowl. They spend all of their time engaging in "leopard" things. That is their secret. That is why I've never seen a fat leopard!

Leopards do what we should do. Sort of. I don't mean that we should act like leopards, but we should act like man. We (man/woman) should also be graceful, powerful and strong. We were meant to be awesome! We were never meant to be obese, weak, lethargic, apathetic, or injured. We have not followed the leopard's example. Instead of engaging in the things, the life, that man (and woman) was meant to engage in, we have engaged in the things that were meant for rocks. What? Yes, we have followed the example of the rock instead of the example of the leopard; instead of the way of man. 

Man does a really good job of trying to live like a rock. We remain motionless for most of our day. We occupy one small space, one tiny peice of realestate, for much of our entire life. We act more like rocks than we do men and women. That is why we do not look sleek, athletic, strong, powerful, and graceful. We should be all of those things. We are men and women! We are meant to conquer mountains, to conquer rocks, not be rocks! If man would just act like man, if we would just engage in the things our bodies were designed to do, the things we were meant to do, we would be the picture of life! Leopards would not inspire us, but we would inspire leopards instead! Don't you see? We are supposed to be the picture of beautiful strength, grace and power.  Leopards are inspiring because we know that they have something we are supposed to have. The truth is, we have something the leopards should want. 

We are capable. That is, You are capable. You were meant to be strong, athletic, resilient, graceful, powerful, sleek, and confident. It is still yours to have. Get up. Stop living like a rock. Be a man. Be a woman. Be a conqueror. BE!

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Have you ever seen a group of lions stalk and take down a water buffalo? It is gruesome. Have you ever seen a group of water buffalos ban together and take out the lions? It is awe inspiring. Here is your analogy: the lions are life, you can stick together with the other water buffalos and draw support and encouragement to overcome life's obstacles. Or, you can be a lone water buffalo and take your chances on getting taken down by the hungry lions.

The point is that life was not meant to be trekked alone. Think about it: if you were meant to be a lone wolf, a lone water buffalo, or a solitary soldier, you wouldn't have any need for vocal cords. By design, you were made for communication. Therefore, you were meant to be in community, around people. 

Last night I watched a group of women support each other and encourage each other. These women got together because they have one goal in common: they want to lose weight. The room was filled with love for one-another. It was amazing. They celebrated each others' victories, and encouraged those that were having more challenges than successes. These women are going to succeed at their goal. They are all rooting for each other and counting on each other. That is powerful. That is community. 

Having a core group of people in your life that you trust, respect, and value is invaluable. They can lend an ear when you need to vent, confess, or celebrate. They can lend a hand when you need guidance, wisdom, and experience. And, they can lend a shoulder when you just feel like you need to hang your head and cry. There is nothing like a good group of friends, or brothers, or sisters, whom you can really rely on. 

Having a group of people in your life who love you and support you is like having an overflowing bank account. You are never broke, or broken, when you are surrounded by love and the support of those around you. Friends who share your life add joy to your life. And, they can make training for a health goal more enjoyable too. Especially if they are actually training with you. As a trainer, I have seen more people laugh and smile when they are training with a friend than I have when they are training alone. I know my jokes are funny, but I cannot create the same experience and "fun" as training with a friend can.

Do you have a community, a group of friends? When it comes to your health, your goals, your life - do you have a group of people who encourage you and root for you? If you don't, you need one. No matter who you are, or how independent you think you are, you need a group. Having friends who travel with you on your journey is a wonderful thing, especially if you have a challenging journey ahead. 

You have vocal cords, right? You might as well use them. Don't get taken out by the lions.